
Morning Has Broken, Deal Hasn't?

Ya know how I said that the lack of categories in Blogger was a deal breaker? Well, apparently, it hasn't prevented me from going wild, now, has it? Thing is, I rather like the lack of categories at this point! Weird, ain't it? Well, I like structured stuff. Outlines and such. Apart from Mail.app, OmniOutliner is the main app I use for writing (good thing both work with Cocoa Services). In this case, I'd like to classify things I write. Especially since I think they're pretty diverse and "disparate" (hence the blog title). But, as it turns out, the lack of categories makes it even more disparate and crazy. I'll probably hate it soon (after all, I have only blog for a limited number of hours) but at this point, Life's Still Good. [Remember, "That Which Is Said In Title Case Sounds Profound" although, as Vuarra says on the Mead Lover Digest, it's "Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur." ("That which is said in Latin sounds profound.")] At any rate, I might as well stay with Blogger for a while. Convenient. No need for outside hosting. Hopefully, I'll be able to migrate to some other system once I get my very own server space. Still, I wish Blogger had obvious support for keywords, at the very least. From Google, one would expect... And this isn't about getting hits, attracting readers, viewers, eyeballs... I genuinely don't care. It's a release thing. Not that I don't care about "you" (so far, pretty much my own self) but it's not my reason to blog, I'm sure... Already at this point, it's more of an exercise for my "writing muscles," so to speak. If you will. In a way. ;-) Speaking of carpal tunnel, shouldn't blogs be spoken? [Yeah, yeah, it can be done... Everything can be done. But, remember: convenience!] [[This thing, blogging, really encourages soliloquy! And weird writing habits...]] Things to think about, add to this beulogue: some keywordish metadata/tagging, WikiEdit-like syntax, smilies, outline to blog, keyboard shortcuts outside browser... Now, let's go and teach!